Career opportunities in architecture and urban planning increasingly require international and intercultural competence. At the same time, there is an array of new opportunities for newly qualified graduates on the international employment market.
Both require a high level of flexibility and the capacity to tackle new issues and challenges over and above subject knowledge. In order to meet these requirements, the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning offers students a unique opportunity to acquire international competence parallel to their bachelor's degree program.
It sees the Bachelor [international+] as an optional additional qualification providing a fundamental core skill in an ever-changing profession.
Further information on the Bachelor [international+] can be found at the Faculty's international office.
- International
Erasmus exchange and cooperation worldwide
"Bachelor International+" certificate
The Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning offers all students who display above-average commitment in an international and intercultural context on the Architecture and Urban Planning bachelor's program the option of gaining the "Bachelor [international+]" certificate parallel to their B.Sc.
The requirements for this are:
- evidence of participation in a design project or a bachelor's thesis with an international focus
- a one-semester study period abroad
- a report on the results of the internship or study period abroad and a contribution to the Faculty's annual Bachelor [international+] exhibition.
For further information visit Ilias
To decide whether applicants meet the requirements and enable us to issue the "Bachelor International+" certificate we need the following:
- Participation in an international design project: Students take part in one of the Faculty's design-with-an-international-focus projects. This entails a topic-related study trip and attending a workshop with local partners. The international design project is an integral part of the regular bachelor's degree program. Students whose bachelor's thesis has an international focus comprising a topic-related study trip are also eligible for the additional qualification.
- One-semester study period abroad: Building on their international design project, students will spend at least one semester abroad gaining practical experience on an internship with a firm of architects/planners or an organization. Our e1inszue1ns platform offers a special opportunity to be involved in a socially engaged project. In some cases, it may be possible to spend the foreign semester studying at one of our partner universities; however, we recommend a period of study abroad during the master's program.
The Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning's international office provides the following services to help you prepare and plan the international additional qualification:
- Advice on integrating the Bachelor [international+] in your studies
- Contacts and information on numerous firms and organizations and field reports from alumni
- Contacts and information on partner universities, application procedures, including the award of places at educational institutions in Europe (Erasmus+). Places at universities, etc. outside Europe will be awarded in close collaboration with the University of Stuttgart's International Office (IZ).
- Information on financial support and scholarships for internships/study periods abroad and help with scholarship applications
Support during study period abroad and help with problems that arise during the internship/study period abroad at the host university.
The Faculty issues the Bachelor [international+] certificate in addition to the bachelor degree certificate.
The additional qualification certificate will only be awarded to students who – in addition to providing proof of their international design project or an international bachelor's thesis and their subsequent one-semester study period abroad – present the results of their internship or study period as a report and as a contribution to the Faculty's annual bachelor [international+] exhibition. In some cases, studies at universities abroad may be credited for the regular bachelor's degree program.
The one-semester study period abroad is not a Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning course module. Students wishing to spend a semester abroad must therefore apply for leave of absence (Urlaubssemester). Although BAföG grants will not be paid during that period, various scholarships are available for financing a period abroad.
You can contact the coordination office (Koordinationsstelle) for advice on scholarships. Please note that applications for many scholarships must be submitted very early – so make sure you find out the closing dates for scholarship applications in good time.