Welcome to the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning
We welcome a very high number of international students every year. They study in an interdisciplinary and multicultural environment. The Faculty Office for International affairs will be happy to help you plan and organize your study exchange. Please find contact information in the box below.
How to find the course program and which courses can I enter in the Learning Agreement?
The faculty does not have a specific course program regarding the individual semesters (first, second or third semester, etc.).
We have a so-called vertical system. That means we mix students from different years and different study programs in the same course. Furthermore, in our faculty there are no recurring courses that are repeated every semester or year. The course program is created anew each semester. Therefore, at the time the Learning Agreements are created, it is unfortunately not yet possible to know exactly which courses will be offered in that semester.
There is a list of courses that are open to exchange students. However, this only contains the general module designations and the assignment to subject areas. The exact course content is then determined in each respective semester. The institutes develop a teaching topic and then assign it to one of the module containers on the list.
So when you write the learning agreement, please take modules according to your study program (Exchange Program Architecture and Urban Planning - Bachelor / Master - 96 013) from the list that can be found at this link.
Please note the following information when completing your Learning Agreement:
(Click on the image on the left for a larger view)
> Simply list the module names after the orange, square "M"
> Do not use the course names that appear under the module name. These could be courses from previous semesters.
You can also see here that there can be different courses under one and the same module name. This is the principle of module name as container.
We will change your learning agreement with the "real" courses that you will take during the first weeks here.
It is impossible for us to know at this stage which courses will actually be offered in your semester. However, as we always have a very large and wide range of courses on offer, we have always managed to find a suitable course so far. We cannot guarantee that you will find the exact course that you will take at your home university this semester. However, we try to find a course that comes as close as possible. With a little flexibility on both sides, it can all work out.
For more information, please see this PDF information for incoming students
Thesis Research
If you come to us within an exchange program for the special occasion of the thesis research, and therefore do not want to attend specific courses, but want to create a tailor-made program for your thesis, you must request a supervision commitment from one of our professors (Betreuungszusage).
For this purpose, please prepare a brief summary of your topic and as concrete as possible an idea of what you intend to study or work on during your visit with us. Please look at the individual institutes on our website and decide which of them best suits your work. Please then send a request for supervision directly to the institute and ask for a formal confirmation of supervision.
The amount of credit points you wish to earn under this model must be agreed upon with the supervising professor here and your home coordinator or first examiner of your thesis.
Academic calendar and semester dates
The academic calendar and semester dates of the Universität Stuttgart can be found here:
Freemover Students
If your home university does not have an exchange agreement with our faculty, your only option is to apply as a so-called "Freemover". To do so, please read carefully the information provided by our International Office at the university.
In addition, as described in the section "Thesis Research" above, you will need to ask for a supervision commitment from one of our professors. Unfortunately, the university will not grant you admission without such a confirmation.
Administrative matters
Your study exchange will be supervised by two different departments. Mr. Goutrie will be happy to answer any questions you may have about your studies, course selection and other academic matters.
All questions regarding administration, processing and other non-academic matters will be answered by the International office of the university.
Coordinator for the Bachelor [International+] / Erasmus Officer, International Affairs Dept.
Keplerstr. 11, 70174 Stuttgart, K1, 7th floor, R 7.14 - Mr. Rainer Goutrie (Dipl.-Ing.)
- +49 711 685 82762
- Write e-mail
- Thur 2p.m. - 4p.m.